the brief
Our partners at CMS Mortgage came to us looking to create an amazing web experience to capture potential leads for loan officer recruiting.
They wanted to create a platform that identified the pain points associated with working for other mortgage companies, in a modern and interesting way. Then give them a place to begin their process.
CMS Mortgage was looking to expand its team of loan officers and attract high-quality prospects. With their years of experience, they have highlighted pain points in the relationships of Loan Officers and their companies, and want to show the industry how they do it.
recruting landing page
modern design
web design
web development
digital ads
Create a unique platform to collect prospects' information and inform them of the successful process CMS has. This would be shown through a targeted landing page and animations of the process.
ad/keywords words
digital ad buys

We were able to create a fully responsive landing page, targeted for loan officers dealing with tense company relations. The animation simulates interaction with a CMS representative to highlight their solutions to problems.The initial launch was successful and targeted ads have been able to land them quality prospects in the area.